Therapy-Based Self Love Coaching and Heart Healing

You hear it everywhere:


Put yourself first.

No one can love you until you love yourself.

You need to love yourself to be happy.


These are supposed to inspire you, but instead they make you feel even more defeated.


You already struggle with daily affirmations because they feel empty and not meant for you.

Or they actually feel painful when you say them because they’re so hard to believe.


Loving yourself sounds really good.

Deep down, you know you want it.

You crave it.

You know you need it.


But it feels like so much work.

To be honest, you’re not really even sure what loving yourself really means.

To be brutally honest, you’re afraid that you don’t know how.

That you don’t deserve it.


And yet… here you are.

You’ve found my page, which is all about self love, healing, and transformation.

Something deep within you brought you here, because she knows that this is for you.

She knows that you deserve it.

And she’s right.


You are here.

You are ready.

Listen to that deep part of you… she truly knows you.

She is you.


Learning to love your whole self is a beautiful, transformational journey.

But walking this path of change can feel lonely and confusing, even as you move toward wholeness and peace.

It doesn’t have to be so lonely.


What if you had someone by your side as you learned how to love?

Someone to show you love and compassion?

Someone to hold you in your confusion and struggle?

Someone to encourage you?

Someone who’s been there and walked this path before?


I’ve been where you are.

I’ve waded through the confusion and loneliness.

I didn’t do it alone…

And you don’t have to, either.


Let me walk alongside you as your guide and loving witness.


Love Your Self Well

A 4-week coaching intensive where I join with you in your self love exploration.


In this private coaching program, you’ll:

  • Understand why the self love advice you see or hear online doesn’t work for you

  • Practice giving authentic love and unwavering compassion to all parts of you – and receiving it

  • Experience real-time modeling of love and compassion from me, to allow your heart and body to know and understand safety and unconditional acceptance

  • Receive personalized guidance and encouragement so you know you’re on the right track


What you get:

  • Four 50-minute 1:1 coaching sessions

  • Personalized self-love and self-compassion exercises – developed just for you

  • Guided meditations to establish your at-home practice

  • Ongoing email/Voxer (voice memo/text app) support


You’ll walk away with:

  1. A renewed sense of groundedness and peace in your heart

  2. Confidence that you can show up for yourself when you most need it

  3. A solid foundation of concepts and practices to keep you on your journey toward truly loving your self with warm, fierce compassion… the gateway to true happiness.